It can be really difficult to find a good book. More specifically a book that suits your preferences as a reader. And it’s not because such books do not exist. They do. But we lack a method of categorizing books in a way that describes what people like about them. Sure, we have genres and some buzzwords that change with the seasons. But we don’t have a good, consistent way of searching for triggers, character types, plot lines and all the other stuff that turns us on or off about a book.
And you can’t just scan through all the books, read all the blurbs and figure it out. There is an immense ocean of books out there. Millions upon millions. And that’s just counting what’s been released in the last few years. No doubt, there are thousands of books that meet your criteria that you simply don’t know about.
What does this have to do with a holiday giveaway?
In addition to my own website, I am a member of another site called Of Books and Nooks. It is made up of a collection of local Kansas City authors who write in a variety of genres. For the holiday season, we have each decided to offer up a book or two for free to one lucky winner. There is a total of 8 books on the pile this year!
Enter the giveaway and you could win this wonderful pile of books! If you win, you’ll receive a collection of amazing books that may not be on your radar. You never know. One of them may turn out to be your new favorite.