If you attended my presentation on creating an author website at the HACWN meeting, thanks for attending! You can download the slideshow and handout from the links below. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me via my… Continue Reading →
I had a recent discussion with my wife about product reviews. She was returning a product because what arrived did not match the description. And this was not the first time such a thing had happened. So I asked her… Continue Reading →
It can be really difficult to find a good book. More specifically a book that suits your preferences as a reader. And it’s not because such books do not exist. They do. But we lack a method of categorizing books… Continue Reading →
I’ve been reading book reviews recently as I pursue what to read next. A few things popped out at me as I perused them. Not that I’m the authority on such things, but I think people who review books tend… Continue Reading →
Contrary to popular belief, being an author is a difficult job. A lot of people think it’s glamorous. You write, people read, you’re famous. Not so much. You have to come up with interesting ideas. People don’t like to read… Continue Reading →
I don’t like newsletters I’ve been told newsletters are important. But I have ignored this for a long time. I generally don’t sign up for newsletters. Why? It’s pretty simple. I’m not interested in the company. I’m interested in the… Continue Reading →
Do traditional publishers produce better quality books? The publishing quality of indie books may surprise you.
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