Fantasy Author and Geek

Category Health

Don’t Panic, You’re Not Inadequate

I normally have an even keel in life. And that’s not just me talking, it’s what people say about me. I have been through my share of stress and emergencies. I have come out the other side enough times to… Continue Reading →

Sometimes Healing Hurts

One common problem in the Christian world, particularly in charismatic circles, is the over emphasis and separation of the spirit. Too often, we pray for healing without asking God what needs to be done. We believe the spirit should override everything… Continue Reading →

How to Use Food Combinations

Many people, when they start trying to adopt a healthier diet, simply focus on which foods are good and which foods are bad. Eat this, don’t eat that. They start shopping at natural/organic food stores like Trader Joe’s or Whole… Continue Reading →

Sea Salt. Mmm

Salt is a very misunderstood component of our diet. Most people these days associate salt with high blood pressure and believe they should have very little salt in their diet. This is absolutely incorrect. Good salt (like sea salt) is… Continue Reading →

My Basic Food Rules

It seems we are constantly barraged with new diets and theories on how to eat. Don’t eat carbs! Don’t eat meat! Eat eggs, but not yolks! Oy! If you’re like me and have a family member who’s sick frequently with… Continue Reading →

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