Sometimes needs dictate choices. Like when your car becomes more expensive to maintain than a new car payment or when you switch careers and suddenly need a collection of suits. In my most recent case, it came down to Markdown… Continue Reading →
I know it sounds funny. How do you use a laptop? Just open the lid and go for it, right? Sure, that’s one approach. But I think a lot of laptop owners have only considered one use case. In the… Continue Reading →
I recently acquired a new 14-inch MacBook Pro with the M1 chip. After a month or so of use, I am happy to say it is an excellent machine and I’m very pleased about taking the plunge. After years of… Continue Reading →
Those of you who know me know that I have a thing for input devices. Particularly keyboards and mice. I spend a lot of time at the computer on an average day, so my primary input devices are important. Several… Continue Reading →
After the 2015 MacBook Pro, Apple made some anorexic decisions for the next iterations of their flagship laptop. What do I mean by Anorexic? The same thing I would mean about a human: an unhealthy obsession with losing weight to… Continue Reading →
Years ago, I owned a 2008 MacBook Pro. Not the unibody model, the one with the anti-glare screen. I remember how happy I was with that laptop. It had one of the best versions of OS X (Snow Leopard), a… Continue Reading →
Many things fall into the category of bad design decisions. One that I’ve come across on many occasions is the configuration tool for Razer input devices. An online account with the vendor is required in order to configure the device…. Continue Reading →
Yes, as a matter of fact, I did say ex-Apple user in the title. While OS X (and now MacOS) was never my favorite operating system, the overall user experience on a MacBook Pro used to be unparalleled – at… Continue Reading →
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