It can be really difficult to find a good book. More specifically a book that suits your preferences as a reader. And it’s not because such books do not exist. They do. But we lack a method of categorizing books… Continue Reading →
Sometimes needs dictate choices. Like when your car becomes more expensive to maintain than a new car payment or when you switch careers and suddenly need a collection of suits. In my most recent case, it came down to Markdown… Continue Reading →
I know it sounds funny. How do you use a laptop? Just open the lid and go for it, right? Sure, that’s one approach. But I think a lot of laptop owners have only considered one use case. In the… Continue Reading →
I recently acquired a new 14-inch MacBook Pro with the M1 chip. After a month or so of use, I am happy to say it is an excellent machine and I’m very pleased about taking the plunge. After years of… Continue Reading →
Those of you who know me know that I have a thing for input devices. Particularly keyboards and mice. I spend a lot of time at the computer on an average day, so my primary input devices are important. Several… Continue Reading →
I’ve been reading book reviews recently as I pursue what to read next. A few things popped out at me as I perused them. Not that I’m the authority on such things, but I think people who review books tend… Continue Reading →
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